Using the Tascam US-2400
TASCAM US-2400 is a control surface that features 3 by 8 channels strips, each with a continuous rotary encoder, a motorized fader, MUTE, SOLO and SEL. It also has a master section with a motorized fader for the master bus, transport controls, a joystick, a jog dial, and several function keys.
Connecting the US-2400
Plug the USB cable from the US-2400 into a USB2 or USB3 port on your computer. The device will be automatically recognized by your operating system and will appear in any of the lists of possible MIDI ports in Ardour.
To connect the US-2400 to Ardour, open the Preferences dialog, and then click Control Surfaces. Tick the Enable checkbox opposite to "Tascam US-2400" to activate Ardour's US-2400 support.
Once the device is activated, click Show Protocol Settings and in the newly opened window configure the device.
US-2400 Configuration
The configuration dialog allows setting up send and receive ports, as well as map functions keys to various actions in Ardour. To make it work, you need to select mode 4 on the US-2400 unit.
It's possible to define MIDI send/receive ports for the three groups of faders (1..8, 9..16, 17..24) and the joystick.

It's also possible to map device keys to various actions in Ardour: